Overview of the Signature Series 200 Pond Skimmer
Overview of the Signature Series 400 Pond Skimmer
Overview of the Signature Series 1000 Pond Skimmer
Overview of the Signature Series BioFalls Filters
General Maintenance - Skimmer
• Weir Door:
– The Signature Series Skimmer weir door can be closed shut to temporarily drain the water in the skimmer for maintenance. Open the weir door as soon as maintenance is completed to avoid operating the pump in low water conditions for extended periods of time.
• Debris Basket:
– The Signature Series Skimmer is designed to sweep the surface of the water so it is free from debris. The debris basket inside the skimmer is the first filter stage of the skimmer. The basket will collect leaves, twigs, seeds and other pond debris. It takes approximately two to three minutes every other week to empty the debris net. More frequent changes will be required during the fall and spring because of the quantity of leaves falling off the surrounding trees.
– It is a good habit to periodically lift the skimmer lid and check the quantity of debris in the basket. This is especially true in the fall. Keep a mental note as to how often your basket has to be emptied. It’s important that the debris basket is not allowed to become too full. Too much debris can reduce the water flow to the pump.
• Filter Mat:
– The filter mat below the debris basket is the second stage of the skimmer. The mat is designed to handle any debris that finds its way past the basket. The mat will not need maintenance as frequently as the basket, since the basket will remove the majority of debris from the water. Remove and rinse the mat when you notice excessive debris build up on the mat or reduced flow over the waterfall.
General Maintenance - BioFalls
• The Signature Series BioFalls Filter is designed to require once-a-year cleaning when used in combination with a Signature Series Skimmer or Pondless® Waterfall Vault prefilter. These filters ensure that large debris is filtered from the water before it reaches the Signature Series BioFalls Filter. The Signature Series BioFalls Filter also has an optional drain kit, which allows for easier water changes and annual cleaning of the filter.
• DO NOT clean the filter mats or filter media bag in the Signature Series BioFalls Filter more than once a year. Cleaning them, especially with chlorinated tap water, more than once-a-year will reduce or kill the beneficial bacteria growing on these filters. Replace old filter mats after several years when they begin to tear or fall apart.
If you have questions about this product, please Email Us