What do I use when I do a pond clean-out if I have fish?
You will need to treat new water that is added to the pond with Aquascape Pond Detoxifier. Aquascape Pond Detoxifier will immediately remove toxins found in tap or well water. Aquascape Beneficial Bacteria should be added throughout the season to maintain a balanced ecosystem, thus preventing problems before they happen.
How quickly can I add my fish after I put in the detoxifier?
Aquascape Detoxifier goes to work immediately, removing chlorine, ammonia, chloramine and toxic heavy metals. Although the water is technically safe, the pond is not biologically mature and new fish should be added in stages. You should acclimate fish to the temperature of the water by floating them for 20 minutes or slowly adding water to the bag or container containing the fish, before releasing them into the pond.
Dosing Instructions
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